2017 04 21
published 21 Apr 2017
Speed adjust mods
Double Time, Nightcore and Half Time are now active! You can hear the effect of these mods from the song select screen, too.
Audio offset
Had a few requests to add universal offset support, so it has been done.
Splash page design update
Yesterday a new version of the (logged out) home page design went live. Go check it out here (make sure you’re logged out!).
Disqus beatmap comments are on the new site
Go check out the updated beatmap page design, now featuring comments. We’re slowly reaching a point where we can switch over to the new site.
Other things
- The toolbar game mode (ruleset) selector will now enter a disabled state when in certain screens.
- Localisation support is in the works!
- The extra details currently missing from slider endpoint hitsounds are finally being completed!
New release available
2017.421.0 is now available from github releases (or via auto-update if you already have lazer installed)! Contains everything mentioned above (bar localisation and hitsound improvements).