this week in osu!

published 16 Nov 2012

I've decided to start this forum as a place to discuss what has happened over the last week in osu!. I'm taking this idea from the Webkit/Chromium developers who use a similar approach to sum up changes at a higher level than the raw changelog, which may not reflect where time has been spent over the week. A lot goes on behind the scenes of osu! and I'd love to share more of this with you guys :).

Here goes!

  • osu!mania ranking was reset, and an initial implementation of pp is present. I still want to tweak these calculations, as they are working with much smaller numbers than I am used to when balancing the pp system.
  • I have been working with a new test environment containing 360gb of beatmaps (over 100,000 difficulties) in order to stress test various parts of osu!. My main focus here is on the song select screen, which suffers from decreased frame rates with higher beatmap counts, as well as trying to replicate occasional lag spikes that occur for some users during play mode. As a result, I have added the experimental ability to store songs in a non-standard song folder (add a BeatmapDirectory key in your config file containing the absolute path). No support will be given for users attempting this. Keep in mind it will cause a full process when switching paths.
  • I realised I had not yet switched the main osu! web server across to php5.4 (it was still on 5.3.x), even though I had extensively tested against 5.4, so I decided to make the switch on Wednesday. Due to an incorrect configuration file and lack of error messaging at php's end, there was a 15 minute downtime during this switch where the website and score submission were not available (see Easily avoidable, but nothing too major, and during off-peak times.
  • While we already have the test/sandbox server, I completed the last few steps required to allow deploying a dev server on a local machine for the osu! website yesterday. This means with a spare ubuntu VM and around 15-20minutes to set things up, I can have a fully working osu! website locally, for even faster previewing of changes. This should speed up development significantly in some specific cases.
  • We hit a new high with 8,415 users connected on the 11th!
  • I commissioned a new server for bancho in order to keep up with bandwidth requirements from the ever-increasing user count (especially at peak times). This is mainly to take advantage of new offers available at the datacentre and as a result, keep servers affordable. Datacentres generally make their money based on the fact that most people don't bother migrating servers from deprecated plans, meaning you are paying old rates which usually decrease over time. By spending a bit of time and recycling old server, it is very possible to save big, as in this case, where I was able to double my bandwidth allowance without increasing base costs. Migration to the new server will happen early next week and no downtime will be necessary.
  • I decided to increase the BSS upload allowance by 1~2 maps across the board. Go submit those maps you have been waiting to for a while :).
  • The osu! world cup is finalised and ready to start in just over a week's time!
I'll be posting these things once a week on Fridays, so follow with your rss readers or whatever works best. Feel free to post comments if you have questions or suggestions!

developing an allergy to apples

published 25 Oct 2011

Recently I have been heavily involved in Apple platform development -- specifically of the mobile variety. This has involved launching and maintaining a prominent e-book reader (with a user base of 500k+) alongside my personal projects' apps (puush and osu!stream). While I generally try to see the best of any situation, developing for iOS has fueled stress and anger that I am not used to, and even made me consider at times that changing profession wouldn't be such a bad thing.

And don't get me wrong, I love coding. I live for code. So something must be drastically out of balance here, right? While some of the issues I have are specific to my own workflow and methodology, I think most of you will be able to agree on some level that things could definitely be greener in the Apple ecosystem. I'm going to touch on a few specific areas of iOS app development over the last couple of years which have hampered my productivity. Hopefully it will serve as a light warning to those looking at entering this arena.

Apple always has the last say

Since releasing our e-book reader, we have had to remove over half the functionality in order to keep it live on the store. After Apple decided to enter the e-book market, it was initially unclear as to how we would be affected; I knew there would be a drop in sales as Apple leverages their App Store and OS strongholds to promote their new app and store, but they did not stop at just that.

In a manner that I would personally say is many times worse than the age-old Microsoft anti-trust case, Apple gradually changed their policies to lock competitor e-book providers out of their system. It is obvious that they were not happy having customers using their devices to purchase books via other providers (even though all fulfillment was done via an external web link), and gave us a deadline to make the transition to In-App Purchases. This would mean giving a 30% revenue margin to Apple.

While reluctant to take this approach, we did end up attempting to embrace Apple's restrictions. Sadly, the publishing industry is a very complex one, and payments and pricing could simply not be moulded into Apple's tier-based pricing system. This would not allow for regional pricing, state-based tax, 100k+ product listings and rapid price changes, to name a few problematic points. Of course, Apple would have understood this from the beginning -- having to abide to the same contractual terms with publishers themselves when distributing via iBooks -- and pushed the deadline forward further while they planned the road forward for their competitors.

Then, along with Amazon and other key e-book providers, we were given an ultimatum: remove the store completely from the app. "Okay", we said, and replaced the in-app store with a link to our website. This was not enough to please apple; within a day our app submission was rejected, and what followed were a few months of back-and-forward build rejections. The end result wasthe removal of every UIWebView from our application, along with every external link. Yes, we could no longer provide even a web link taking customers to our company's own web site (not even a "forgotten password" link!).

The end result is a thin-client reader which can do not a lot more than read and sync books purchased outside the iOS environment. Potential customers cannot make a purchase unless they manually make the connection via our app and our website.

Too late to apologise

When I initially made osu!stream available, I ran into some licensing complications with the music I was using, resulting in the need to quickly pull the app (of my own accord) and replace the songs. A month later, I submitted an update to the app, which amongst many other improvements, mapped the previous song packs to newer ones. This was a way of ensuring users which bought the initial song packs didn't feel cheated after they were made inaccessible.

To reach the maximum amount of users possible with instructions on how to retrieve the new content (and providing a brief explanation of the events that took place), I wrote up release notes which had a paragraph dedicated to the licensing issues. In this paragraph, I apologised for what happened. This update got rejected on basis that release notes were "not related to the changes in the app".

When Apple reject an update, they generally do not give any specific instructions, instead only quoting the relevant sections from the Terms of Service passage and leaving the rest to you to figure out. I had a hunch that the word "sorry" triggered alarm bells, so changed only that sentence; accordingly, it was approved one day later (n.b. they did actually check each localisation, so it took two shots!).

While this might not seem like a huge deal, it is just another example of the kind of randomly exerted control they have over the approval process.

As agile as a snail

One of the more apparent downsides of iOS development is the compulsory approval process associated with deploying an app to the App Store. Depending on seasonal demand, this approval process can take anywhere between 6 hours and 14 days (based on my experiences to date). The lower end of the scale is generally only seen when it is in Apple's interest to get it live quickly.

I usually work with a very rapid release cycle, usually aiming for daily releases -- pushing features and fixes the moment they are mature enough. At times this means relying on the end-user to do the "testing", but I find this to be the most productive release method. Keeping things fresh generally keeps people happy and coming back for more. Maybe I am designing for myself here, but if I was a user, I would enjoy seeing my feedback rapidly incorporated in a product.

Being limited by external forces to an average of weekly releases -- with no rapid user feedback in the interim -- makes development very staggered and unproductive for me. This is likely amplified due to the way I work, so I would be interested to hear other people's experiences with the imposed time-between-release limitation.

You might say "but you can deploy to testers as often as you want via a rapid deployment process (testflight is awesome)!", to which I would answer that I am definitely aware of this and actively deploying regular builds using these methods. The main problem here is that each developer account is limited to 100 registered devices for device provisioning, and while this may sound like a large number, I found that a month or two after accepting testers over 80% of them were inactive. You are only given one opportunity each year to remove a number of devices (at the anniversary of your account registration), which is both cumbersome and sub-optimal.

There are also many documented examples of extreme cases where apps get stuck in a pending state with absolutely no response from Apple. 2Do is one current example, who seem to be stepping in dangerous territory due to their iCloud's CalDAV sync. I have had some personal experience in trying to get a response from Apple's chain-of-command via phone and email and can attest that it is not so easy. Lack of control over your own product's release cycle -- and a communication blackout from those in control -- is indeed quite a scary concept.

Think Different, or Don't Think at all?

The final straw (which actually triggered the writing of this article) was having my app rejected today for storing downloadable content in the application's "Documents" folder. Since the introduction of iCloud, the guidelines have been changed to only allow "user-created" documents to be stored in this specific folder. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if it wasn't the only non-volatile storage area available to developers.

In short, this means that if myself and other developers in a similar predicament are to abide with the new terms, iOS can choose to delete all downloaded content in any app it sees fit to free up memory. Users are not given the option to disable this behaviour -- let alone warned about it when it happens. This is a support nightmare for app developers, who users are going to obliviously blame for the loss of their files.

The new "cleaning" behaviour (more details in this article) is going to surprise many users over the coming months as their files disappear at iOS' whim. In osu!'s case, this means all purchased songs would disappear, requiring special support at an application level to track when files have disappeared, alert users and trigger a fresh (and still quite awkward) in-app purchase process to re-retrieve the content. With a bit of luck, the user will have an internet connection available at this point, but what happens if they are in the middle of a long flight, or in an area without coverage?

I have been following this behavioural issue since it was discovered earlier this month, but didn't think I would be affected -- after all I am only storing around 10mb (at most) to the Documents folder. It would seem that for whatever reason, Apple is not only actively enforcing this new clause, but cracking down on it hard.

Waiting a week for approval to only be rejected is quite a bad feeling (especially when you have other coinciding release details planned), but when the rejection is due to this kind of issue it really makes you wonder if Apple know what they are doing. And makes me ask myself whether I really want to continue developing for a platform this unstable.


Hopefully this didn't come out as too much of a rant -- I do always try to look at things from a neutral perspective. I won't be stopping iOS development, but may take a few days off to regain some motivation :). I am not changing my app's behaviour to meet the new clause requirements and have instead filed an appeal with Apple. I hope there is enough velocity from my appeal, along with other affected developers/users' voices to change the way things work.


Fixing the Parallels Dock Icon

published 29 Sep 2011

So I have been using parallels for a while now, and it is turning out to be a very good experience. I would like to write a longer post on the ups and downs of the application itself, but this post is a solution to a long-standing gripe I've had with the product line -- the dock icon.

"Paused? No, that's our logo. You can't remove it, either."

I'm sure you can agree that not only are the Parallels bars ugly, but they also communicate a state which is actually incorrect. The resemblance of a pause symbol is undeniable. Having this icon in my dock is an eyesore and a distraction due to the fire-truck red colour.

Fixing it is unfortunately not so straight-forward, and while many people have attempted to cry for help, those behind parallels have refused to listen. For three years.

I offer a slightly hacky solution that should work for all versions 4.0+ and into the forseeable future. If you use this solution and your PC blows up, I am totally not responsible.

Open Terminal (Applications > Utilities >

Type the following command (as a single line):

LANG=C sudo sed -i.bak s/Parallels_Desktop_Overlay_128/Parallels_Desktop_Overlay_000/g /Applications/Parallels\

Enter your root/administrator password and wait for the command to complete running.

Congratulations; your Parallels icon should be a touch less ugly now. The above command creates a backup of the file that was changed, so if you would ever like to undo the changes, simply run (as a single line):

sudo mv /Applications/Parallels\ /Applications/Parallels\

I am still looking into whether a completely custom icon can be used (so parallels doesn't switch to the windows-desktop-monitor icon), but haven't been able to find the source of that one yet.


virtualising windows

published 18 Sep 2011

I primarily use OS X Lion on my laptop for menial tasks, as well as development for anything that isn't .NET. For the .NET side of things, I prefer Visual Studio over other available options, and have therefore opted to keep a Windows 7 multi-boot setup. As per my previous post, this does come with some problems when I am trying to make my shared files accessible from both OSes.

Over the last few weeks I have been in an ongoing fight with various partition types, NTFS drivers for OS X (and HFS+ for windows) and am not yet happy with any of these options. Metadata for files is not correctly handled with any of the shared filesystem setups I tested, which leaves messy attribute/metadata files lying around in directories, synced with dropbox and thrown into other people's shared folders.

With the recent release of Windows 8 dev preview, as well as major versions of the two competing virtualisation packages for OS X -- VMWare Fusion 4 and Parallels 7 -- I decided to nuke my dual-boot setup and give virtualisation another try.

I am currently in a state of having six virtual machine images across the two software packages (XP/Win7/Win8) in order to compare performance and stability. My journey still continues, but what I can say so far is:

  • Neither option allow for hardware accelerated video in Windows 8. This seems to be an issue with driver signing/support. Windows 8 is quite chuggy without hardware accelerated drawing, so I don't believe running it in a virtual machine is a great option for daily use or performance testing.
  • VMWare is unstable. In several cases it would lock up at 100% CPU usage with no feedback on the VM.
  • VMWare mouse integration with OS X is not perfect. When entering the VM window there is a 1-2 frame "jump", where the cursor appears in the wrong position on both OSes before synchronising to the correct location.
  • Neither option handles suspending in an optimal way. They both seem to save an image of the *full size* of the block of RAM assigned, rather than only the used portion. If you need quickly resuming VMs, you're best off using the Windows hibernate options as opposed to the VM one.

I am planning on using Parallels for the time being, and testing how usable it is for day-to-day dev work in VS2010 (and VS11 preview). As I do have VMWare still setup, I may do some performance comparisons between them, but Parallels seems to be the better option this round.

Will report back with more detail once I have had some time to form a solid judgement.
