20150615 /catchup/
published 15 Jun 2015
Hey guys! Coming back at you with a quick catch-up post. Things have been quite hectic so I don’t have time for a long post today. Here’s a look into what’s on the plate:
- Logistics for putting the web store into hibernation for the next month. The team member responsible for shipping all your goodies out is on holiday and there’s no one else around to take over. Scheduling delivery of tablets to storage facilities (the next batch is coming in over the next couple of weeks, so we still have plenty of stock).
- Placed an order for replacement pens for osu!tablets. This seems to be a point of failure, regularly due to users dropping their pens on hard surfaces. The price of replacement pens on amazon etc. is a bit high, so I am doing a bulk order to offer replacements at a reasonable price.
- Finished implementing username availability conditions into the new osu!web. Just need to work out the pricing system and do some extensive testing and we should be ready to go live – this week for sure!
- Reviewed and merged the code behind forum posting on the new osu!web. This is now live for testing, so go check it out if that kind of thing interests you! Feel free to tweet at me if you come across any bugs. Keep in mind we are still working heavily on the user experience of posting, but feedback is still welcome.
- Added a central QAT identity so individuals are no longer targeted when maps are disqualified. Giving this some testing to see how it affects people’s attitudes towards disqualification (hopefully in a positive way). We should all have a common goal here, after all!
- Looked into a few different approaches to allow users to run osu1 in exclusive full-screen mode while adjusting the actual display size of osu!. I hope to get something in to cutting edge this week for user testing. This should be the ultimate solution for users wishing for the lowest latency but have massive monitors they are sitting far too close to, forcing them to resort to windowed mode to make their osu! gamefield a usable size.
- Continued to fix newly discovered issues via the recently added (old) web sentry hook. Adjusting database data types to fix truncation in some text fields, fixing out-of-bounds issues with unsigned numericals etc.
- Finished migrating high score replay availability to its new home in the database. Added server and client-side support, now live on cutting-edge. You can now watch replays in selected-mod, friend and country scoreboards as long as the replay is in the top 250 global scores for the map. This number will likely increase in the future, too; the important part is that this system is infinitely scalable. Also a surprise new benefit of being supporters can soon be realised with this change. More details will follow :).
I leave you with a photo I took on the weekend at an ajisai (hydrangea) festival I visited. Absolutely amazing colours.