published 23 Jun 2015

Another busy day, so let’s focus on what I’ve been up to:

  • Had to visit the Australian Consulate to renew my passport. Pretty crazy looking place! I tried to sneak in a photo but the exposure was blown out to the point you can’t see crap. Sorry :(.

  • Began work on restructuring the draw hierarchy of osu!. I will probably go into this in more detail, but the premise is that we want to make Draw calls more of a hierarchy, and in the process move field changes out of GL Translate / Scale / Push / Pop commands and into a software (cpu)-based struct. This will allow for more flexibility, cleaner code and potentially new GPU-side optimisations. It is also one of the main areas I want to clean up before considering making osu! open source.

  • Fixed the admin side of the charts system for Loctav; he was bugging me a lot.

  • Fulfilled a feature request in 10 mins by adding a few mod display toggles when watching replays. You can now toggle FL, DT and HT by clicking the mod icons at the top-right corner. More mods such as HD will likely be supported in the future, but adding the implementation for them is non-trivial, so will have to wait for another day.

Finally, I’d like to add a personal warning: I know a lot of you may be spending your recent days watching a famous osu! player “play”, but I ask you to be wary and don’t jump to conclusions. There’s nothing to prove you aren’t just watching a bot or cheater playing. Also, please, don’t spam my email or twitter asking me to consider unbanning other players. Do not bother making petitions. Bans are between our team and the player in question. In this particular case I’m willing to add that the “player” sent me (personally) and the support team a series of rude emails which were both out of character of someone of their calibre, and not appropriate to even begin the appeal process. Be careful who you idolise and realise when it’s time to move on.