published 01 Sep 2015
Fixed a long-standing endless update loop today. Huge win and forward progress. Still haven’t figured out the http library from yesterday. Spent the rest of my day catching up on accounting and emails and working through some remaining cutting-edge regressions.
Let’s do some Q&A!
@ppy Any plans on updating puush mobile app? –Triggums
puush is something I’d love to focus more energy on, but I just don’t have the time to do so. It serves its original purpose (of being useful to me and my friends as it is) and helps others in the process. There are plenty of alternatives if you want more than we are offering.
@ppy Did you ever plan for osu to have its own soundtrack/songs, and also do you have to deal with a lot of copyright? –simonpls
Making our own soundtrack/themes is just a natural progression. We have more coming from this angle, so keep a look out!
Dealing with copyright - more specifically DMCA - is a given when running a service that allows user uploads.
@ppy how long does it normally take for an appeal to be unbanned take? –hewitt199
Probably months.
@ppy thoughts on removing hp drain and just making all maps the same hp? hp is pretty pointless imo –Poland1337
HP drain adds something to the game. That said, the customisation aspect of it is of marginal value. I’d probably have to ask mappers whether they value its presence; no personal preference.
@ppy Can we have colored background on the new website? –rey444xd3
No. Make a user style if you must butcher our design.
@ppy Maybe its a bit far off but since osu! is moving to OpenGL but what about Vulkan when its getting released? Should be still this year:) –josch1107
One step at a time. I see no reason to support it, though. We are about compatibility, not performance. osu! already performs crazy good.
@ppy why you delete qualified map’s pp? –OMANKO_TYPHOON
Why you ask questions I’ve answered in so many places?
@ppy Any clue when the next batch of osu keyboards will be ready for purchase? things aren’t going well at home, need something mobile soon –dreamclipp
@ppy any updates for the osu! keyboard? im just sitting here very eagerly. –hakisakoriginl
@ppy any News on the 2 Button Keyboard? ~ –thecoon324
Next batch of osu!keyboards are in production and should be with us soon. They feature some nice changes, too! Keep a watch on my twitter; I promise I’ll announce as soon as I have more information.
@ppy could you change the tweet text of @osugame from “New Ranked Beatmap” to “New Qualified Beatmap”? it’s currently a bit confusing –mcpowr
@osugame tweets are now ranked maps, as opposed to qualified, so all should be well again!
@ppy What do you think about Rohulk Going up ranks so quickly? –TomButcher13
Good for him.
@ppy what will be next supporter feature? –Therieri
Cover images in profiles. That’s technically already available, but yeah!
@ppy When did you receive the first copyright claim relating to beatmaps or something else in osu! ? –kunstkr1tik
Probably 2008.
@ppy Is osu!stream’s copyright issue relating the spinner resolved? –kunstkr1tik
I wouldn’t call it resolved, but the other party has gone quiet (which is for the best).
@ppy Any Plans to implement a SDVX kind of game mode? I’d love k-shoot but controllers are so expensive and it doesn’t have a ranking –KamisamaHatatan
So basically just adding analog things to 4k? Honestly, it just feels like 6k to me, due to the way swipes are actually processed in SDVX. Maybe someday we can have an option for them, but don’t count on it.